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Mold making

Mold making

everything into shape

We understand our craft. Molds from ZETTERER are precise, economical and highly durable. ZETTERER covers the complete spectrum of modern mold making. From the smallest mold to the mold with 10 tons and a dimension of 1300x1100x1000mm, ZETTERER is the right partner for you.

Toolmaking - 55 years of top quality

For the further processing of die cast parts, e.g. made of aluminum, ZETTERER offers the necessary punching and deburring tools. You receive everything from a single source, from die casting molds and deburring tools to milling and machining equipment.

Repairs at the
highest level

ZETTERER is the leading expert for high-quality repairs in toolmaking - and that under time-critical conditions. Our customers benefit from our five services: Pickup, Repair Determination, Welding, Milling and Delivery.

Contact Person
Telephone: 09171 83999-10
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person:
Alexander Zetterer

Company brochure
"High Performance - Precision - Reliability"

Quick Contact

+49 (0)9171 83999-0

Or write us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zetterer Präzision GmbH

Plant I
Venetianerstraße 6
91154 Roth

Plant II
Meckenloher Straße 9
91126 Rednitzhembach

Telephone: +49 (0)9171 83999-10
Contact Person:
Alexander Zetterer

Quality control
Telephone: +49 (0)9171 83999-26
Contact Person:
Markus Zucker

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© 2023 Zetterer Präzision GmbH. All rights reserved.

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